Bobcat Badge
The first badge a Cub Scout Earns
Regardless of when a boy enters Cub Scouts, the first badge they must earn before any others is their Bobcat. In order to earn the Bobcat, they must know the Cub Scout Salute, Cub Scout Handshake, Cub Scout Promise, Law of the Pack, and Cub Scout Motto.
Cub Scout Promise:
I promise to do my best to do my duty
To God and my country, To help other people,
And to obey the Law of the Pack.
Law of the Pack:
The Cub Scout follows Akela.
The Cub Scout helps the pack go.
The pack helps the Cub Scout grow.
The Cub Scout gives good will.
Cub Scout Motto:
Do Your Best
Once a scout earns His Bobcat Badge, he must wear it upside down until he does a good deed.
He can then begin to earn other awards in the program