Boy Scout/Venture/High Adventure: Annual Health and Medical Record Fillable (Complete Form) |
Cub Scouts: Annual Health and Medical Record Fillable (Parts A&B Only) |
BSA Activity Consent Form |
BSA Adult Application |
BSA Youth Application Fillable |
BSA Flying Permit Application |
Bullying Resources |
Child Abuse Reporting Requirements |
Cub Scout Placemat - Option 1: Find the 7 Differences |
Cub Scout Placemat - Option 2: Find the 8 Camping Tools |
Pack Meeting Plans |
Fiscal Policies and Procedures for BSA Units |
Guide to Safe Scouting |
HSR (Health Special Risk) Claim Form |
BSA Council Accident Sickness Brochure |
Internet Safety |
Outdoor Ethics (Includes Leave No Trace) |
Lifesaving Award |
Merit Badge Counselor Application |
Pack/Troop/Crew Websites |
Polar Bear Camper Patch Order Form |
Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse |
Scouting Safely |
Social Media Guidelines |
Spring Tiger Cub Recruiting |
Tour Plan Information |
Tour and Activity Plan |
Unit Money Earning Application |